About Whole Health Dental Center

Whole Health Dental Center is a holistic, biological dental practice for the whole family, located just 20 minutes outside of Washington, DC, in Falls Church, VA. Our patients come from across the DC metro area – and even from outside the US!

That’s b/c Dr. Felix is an AMD™ who treats Impaired Mouth structure and usage to free patients from a variety of medical, dental, and mood symptoms known as Impaired Mouth Syndrome (link to Score). Dr. Felix teaches his Epigenetic WholeHealth approach to other dentists nationally and internationally.

The WholeHealth way is founded on a science-supported truth: When it comes to health, the mouth is pivotal. Life is good when the mouth works right, and miserable when it does not.

At Whole Health Dental Center, we transform Impaired Mouths into Holistic Mouths – mouths that support 6 key factors in whole body health: Alignment, Breathing, Circulation, Digestion, Energy, and Sleep (ABCDES).

A Holistic Mouth is a health-builder. An Impaired-Mouth is a trouble-maker. If you’re suffering pain, fatigue, overweight, or degenerative disease, its source may very well be your mouth.

Our mission at Whole Health Dental Center is to help you turn back illness and turn on wellness through our science-based, evidence-based Holistic Mouth Solutions.

Dr. Felix Liao