Can A Toothache Actually Cause A Headache?

September 30, 2023

Have you ever experienced a toothache so intense that it left you wanting to curl up in a ball and never move? Toothaches can pop up out of the blue and leave behind an uncomfortable sensation in your mouth. The worst part is that the pain doesn’t just stick to your teeth. It has the tendency to travel to your jaw and, at times, your head as well. This can trigger a deep headache, along with a throbbing toothache. But how are the two connected? Can a toothache actually cause a headache? To learn about the deep connection between your body and what goes on underneath, make sure to keep on reading.

What Causes a Toothache?

There is no set reason for a toothache, especially if you are diligent with your oral care routine. However, there are times when your body might not be feeling well, which may lead to it transferring the pain to your teeth. Since your body is all connected, it’s common for the pain to travel from one point to another. Although there are mouth-related concerns as well, such as:

  • Tooth Decay or Cavities
  • Dental Abscess
  • Gum Disease
  • A Fractured Tooth
  • Habit of Grinding Teeth
  • Improper Filling or Crown
  • Gum Infection

Can Toothache Cause Headache?

Believe it or not, yes, an ordinary toothache has the capacity to cause a headache. This is because your head is all joined together in a series of intertwined nerve endings. It is very common for you to suffer from a headache, which might later move to your teeth and vice versa.

The trigeminal nerve is one of the biggest nerves in your head. It divides itself into three different sub-parts, which connect your entire head. Not to mention, when dealing with tooth pain, there are chances that the ache will get relocated and referred to other areas behind the face. Be it the cheekbones, eyes, temples, jaw, or head, a toothache can easily branch out and affect your whole health.

The Holistic Approach to Managing Toothache

When it comes to treating a toothache-induced headache, you have to keep in mind the intricate link your brain shares with the rest of the body. Your overall health can take a dip if one component of your body starts malfunctioning. A toothache, in this case, can easily be treated by a professional airway-mouth doctor (AMD™). With holistic procedures devoid of all artificialities, you can easily tame the toothache, as well as a headache.

Long Story Short

In a nutshell, toothache is very likely to cause a headache, no matter how small or big the pain factor might be. This is why it is necessary to keep your entire health in check. An airway-mouth doctor (AMD™) is well-versed in the body’s internal connections, making the treatment process much easier. Nevertheless, for more information on the matter, feel free to contact Whole Health Dental Center at (703) 385-6425 or visit us at 7115 Leesburg Pike, Suite 310, Falls Church, VA 22043.

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