Holistic Mouth Solutions
Your Health Stems From Your Mouth
So Do You Have An Airway Mouth Doctor™?
Your mouth is the beginning of your respiratory and digestive tracts and sits just two inches from your brain. Once you recognize these physical relationships, it’s easier to see how a structurally impaired mouth can undermine whole body health. Dr. Felix’s WholeHealth approach bridges the gap between the mouth and the rest of the body, uniting them in accordance with Nature’s laws for health.
Your mouth is much more than teeth. It also encompasses your jaws, jaw joints, and muscles, your tongue, saliva, cheeks and lips, nerves and blood supply and the billions of bacteria that make up the oral microbiome. And you use it constantly – to eat, speak, swallow, smile and more.
Many patients do all the right things – eat organic, exercise, have perfect dental checkups – yet still struggle with things like head/neck/back pain, fatigue, depression, and more. Often, it’s because the mouth’s structure has been overlooked. Yet when a misaligned bite is corrected or the airway is no longer being blocked by the tongue, such symptoms can and often do go away naturally.
Dr. Felix heads a training program to turn tooth-centered dentists into Airway Mouth Doctors (AMDs™). An AMD™ has the WholeHealth knowledge and skill set to recognize and impaired mouth and turn it from a health-destroyer into a health-maker.
What Are Dr. Felix’s Holistic Mouth Solutions?
Dr. Felix’s WholeHealth approach bridges the gap between the mouth and the rest of the body, uniting them in accordance with Nature’s laws for health.
Your mouth is the beginning of your respiratory and digestive tracts and sits just two inches from your brain. Once you recognize these physical relationships, it’s easier to see how a structurally impaired mouth can undermine whole body health.
Consider also that your mouth is much more than teeth. It also encompasses your jaws, jaw joints and muscles, your tongue, saliva, cheeks and lips, nerves and blood supply, and the billions of bacteria that make up the oral microbiome. And you use it constantly – to eat, speak, swallow, smile, and more.
Many patients do all the right things – eat organic, exercise, have perfect dental checkups – yet still struggle with things like head/neck/back pain, fatigue, depression, and more. Often, it’s because the mouth’s structure has been overlooked. Yet when a misaligned bite is corrected or the airway is no longer being blocked by the tongue, such symptoms can and often do go away naturally.
An Airway Mouth Doctor™ like Dr. Felix is just the kind of practitioner who has the knowledge and skill to address such structural problems so that your mouth becomes a health-maker instead of a health-destroyer.
From Impaired Mouth to Holistic Mouth: A Brief Case History
A.S.B. was a 37-year old man who had been diagnosed with sleep apnea. He had undergone orthodontic treatment twice, with four teeth extracted during the first round. He came to our office with complaints of fatigue, daytime sleepiness, and erectile dysfunction.
Dr. Felix quickly recognized that those problems stemmed from his mouth, not his teeth, and got him started on oral appliance therapy. Here’s the progress report he gave us after just 6 weeks, with Dr. Felix’s commentary in bold brackets within it:
I have been having great results with my appliance. Since I started wearing the appliance about 6 weeks ago, I have never felt better.
I don’t snore anymore, and I wake up feeling more refreshed than I used to and on fewer hours of sleep. My sleep apnea that I was diagnosed with 1 year ago feels to have dissipated. [This was because the appliance kept his tongue from falling back and blocking his throat during sleep.]
I am able to work out and run much longer with more intensity than usual. My breathing is so much more comfortable, as I can breathe through my nose again. [Credit the patient for his compliance to recommended diet change of avoiding dairy, wheat, and processed foods!]
My bite feels aligned to where it should be because of the new bite provided by the appliance. I am no longer grinding my teeth. [Again, this is due to having a clear airway, as grinding is actually a survival reflex. Think of it as the body doing CPR on itself by thrusting the jaw forward and sideways to get the tongue out of the throat.]
Going forward, I will concentrate on improving my diet and lifestyle. [Success comes from a patient’s self-motivation to work toward health.] I’m doing well in the exercise department, but it’s not enough. [The appliance alone is not enough. WholeHealth = Mind + Body + Mouth + Nature.] I will start eating at regular intervals and not sporadically during the day. [The appliance only jump-starts the process toward health-by-mouth. Again, the patient needs to do the rest.] Being single in the last few years has made it a challenge for me to eat proper at times. However, I’ll be getting married in 6 months! [Taking responsibility for his own health is a sign of maturity. His bride is lucky!]
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