Self Survey
Check Your Holistic Mouth Score
A Holistic Mouth is a health-builder. An Impaired Mouth is a trouble-maker. The size of your airway can make the difference between thriving and just surviving. Take the quiz below to find out which kind of mouth you have.
Below is a list of common signs that your airway may be underdeveloped. Simply check those that are an issue for you.
Lack of facial symmetry (one eye, ear, or corner of the mouth higher than the other
Teeth Grinding
Mouth Breathing
Dry Mouth
Gum Recession & Redness
Clicking Jaw Joints & Zig-Zag Jaw Opening
Morning Headache & Sore Jaws
Deep Overbite or Underbite
Chipped and/or Broken Teeth
Teeth prints on the sides of tongue
Bony growth – palate or lower jaw
Sunken lips & reverse smile curve (sad)
Frequent Cavities
Braces & Teeth Extractions
Bulge under lower jaw and chin
Malocclusion (crowded teeth)
Gasping or choking in sleep
Neck & Shoulder Pain
Erectile Dysfunction or PMS
High Blood Pressure
Diabetes Type II
Weight gain & Abdominal Obesity
Heart Arrhythmia
Daytime Sleepiness & Fatigue
Senile Memory & ADD/ADHD
Stuffy or Running Nose
Stuffy/runny nose, scratchy/itchy throat
Scratchy, Itchy Throat, Acid Reflux
Ears forward of shoulder point
Poor Digestion, Poor Elimination
Urinate more than once a night
Large Neck Size (M >17, W >15)
Depression, Anxiety, Grouchiness
Scoring: The closer your total score is to 0, the better your mouth/body health. If you score above 10, contact us today to schedule an airway evaluation with Dr. Felix.
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