What is the Gagging and Tongue Thrust Reflex in Babies?

September 15, 2024

Are you concerned about your baby’s frequent gagging and tongue thrust reflex? As a new parent, there are so many things about infants that we don’t understand, and it’s alright. From birth to early childhood, everything your infant does is a milestone, like when they begin rolling over, crawling, and walking, and not to forget the switch from liquid to solid food. This final milestone is where the tongue push reflex is useful.

What is Gagging?

Gagging is a protective mechanism used to keep foreign items out of the airway. The stimulation of the back of the neck and soft palate causes it to occur. Babies may choke when their tongues or other items contact the back of their throats while they are eating.

Gagging occurs when the midsection of the tongue is touched during infancy and progressively returns to the mouth between the ages of 4-6 months. By the time a child is 9 months old, touching the rear of the tongue will cause gagging instead of the front.

What is the Tongue Thrust Reflex?

The tongue thrust reflex, also known as the extrusion reflex, is a reaction that is present from birth and lasts for 4 to 7 months. Touching the tip of the tongue stimulates the tongue thrust in babies, making the tongue thrust or jut out of the mouth.

This instinctive response is a typical aspect of growth and is crucial for effective breastfeeding or bottle feeding as it helps your infant swallow by guiding the mild toward the rear of the mouth.

When Does the Tongue Thrust Reflex Develop in Babies?

According to the Healthline, most newborn babies have the tongue thrust reflex. However, it’s unclear when it initially appears in the womb. In the early months of a baby’s life, tongue thrusting is important since their muscles aren’t yet mature enough to swallow anything other than fluids.

What Causes Tongue Thrust After 7 Months?

Tongue thrust reflex and gagging in babies should stop after 6 months. However, if the reflexes persist, it might be because of the following conditions:

  • Thumb sucking: Early infancy thumb and finger sucking causes the tongue to thrust forward, resulting in tongue thrust.
  • Delayed Weaning: Your baby’s oral development is impacted if pureeing is continued for an extended period of time and baby-led weaning is introduced much later.
  • Using Pacifier for Too Long: Tongue thrust can also develop if your infant uses a bottle, breastmilk, or pacifier for an extended period of time, regardless of the time or form.
  • Mouth Breathing: Tongue-thrusting can be exacerbated or facilitated by mouth breathing. Your child’s tongue will naturally rest lower and in the incorrect position, pressing on their front upper and lower teeth if they breathe primarily via their mouth throughout their early years.


Gagging and tongue thrust reflexes are common when your child approaches the middle of their first years. It is a typical aspect of their growth. However, if you are still confused about tongue thrust reflex in your baby, visit us at Whole Health Dental Center for a better understanding of the condition.

Ring (703) 385-6425 to book your appointment.

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